01.Basic of the information technology Section- 02

A/L ICT Topic: 01                                                                                                                    Section: 02 

  ü Networks:
·     LAN (Local Area Network) - a small network that physically connects nearby computers (computers within the firm, organization, or a household)
·         WAN (Wide Area Network) - a larger network that covers a city or a region,
·         Internet – a world network of connected computers, connected through WAN and LAN
·         Intranet - a smaller network, closed version of internet to which only certain (authorized) people are granted access (members of an organization)
·       Extranet – an intranet version, to which only certain people are granted access (not exclusively members of an organization, but also outsourced experts for performing common tasks),
·         World Wide Web (WWW) - one of the services that can be used on Internet which enables us to view and search contents in a form of web-pages
      ·     other services on Internet that can be used:
§  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) - protocol used for voice transfer over IP network; it basically enables us to use internet in order to make phone-calls
§  Really Simple Syndication (RSS) – used for dissemination of information or articles etc. published on web page using RSS channel (RSS news usually consists of title, few sentences and link to a web page where users can read the whole article). Users have to subscribe to RSS channel in order to receive news in their RSS reader. This eliminates a need for visiting a web page in order to find out latest news
§  web log
§  blog
§  podcast - digital file that contains audio or video record.

  ü Network communication:
·       PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) – a technical expression for public telephone system
·         ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
·       ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) – most common communication standard in the consumer market.

  ü Internet data transfer:
·         download - data storing from internet onto personal computer
·         upload - data storing from personal computer to internet server
·         data rate units:
o     Bit per second (bps), kilobit per second (kbps), and megabit per second (mbps).

·         Internet access:
§  Dial-up – use of phone line in order to connect to the internet. The bill for the internet
§  Usage is directly proportional to the time spent on the Internet and/or the amount of data transferred.
§  Broadband – the bill is formed according to speed of data transfer. Additionally, in areas where informational infrastructure for broadband is not developed enough (or for other reason), amount of data transfer is also charged. Unlike dial-up, time spent on the internet is not charged and as a consequence there is a greater risk from hacker intrusion in computers or networks that are connected to internet 24/7
§  Internet can also be accessed through phone, mobile, and cable line, as well as through wireless access or via satellite connection.

Ways to publish and share contents on the internet: blog, podcast, photos, video and audio contents.

  ü Advices on how to protect oneself while using virtual communities:

         protect privacy of your profile,
         limit publishing and use of your personal data,

         be aware that published information can be publicly accessible,

         be cautious while communicating with strangers.

  ü Computer in the workplace:

   tasks more suited to a computer than a human: 
            o  repetitive tasks,

o   Easy automated tasks
o   Mathematical operations,

o   Tasks that require high precision and speed.

          tasks more suited to a human than a computer:
o   Logical reasoning and shape interpretation,
o   Consulting and social interaction,

o   New product presentation,
o   Developing business plan and strategies.

      Information and Communication Technology (ITC) exists in every aspect of modern society. Some well-known applications include:

o   Applications for corporations (airlines, insurance companies, internet banking)
o   Applications for state organizations (electronic voting, tax refund)
o Applications for healthcare (data about patients, diagnostic tools and instruments, special surgical equipment)
o   Applications for education (computer based training - CBT, distance learning, e-learning):
o Adaptive learning time, flexible learning location, multimedia learning experience, reduced
o   Costs.


o Increasing the employment of vulnerable groups: parents with small children, people with mobility problems and people living in the remote areas
o   Commuting time reduced or not necessary at all; cost and time of transportation to the workplace decreased or nonexistent
o   Greater possibility to concentrate on the job
o   Flexible working hours
o   Reduced maintenance costs for the workspace

o   Lack of business human contact

o   Lack of direct teamwork

o   Requires great self-discipline

         ICT in everyday life:

  • e-mail
  • e-commerce
  • Online shopping
  • e-government
  • e-banking
  • e-education 

ü  The most common health problems associated with the computer usage:
           •   Repetitive, excessive or improper use of keyboard and mouse
           •  Flickering screen or working from an improper distance from the monitor
o   Vision impairment, headache
           •  Artificial light from monitors
o   Insufficient light, improper contract or glare can cause eyestrain, headache and decreased productivity
   Improper seating and the use of inappropriate chairs
o   Spinal problems (position of the computer, desk and chair affect posture and can therefore create problems)
  Well-being while using computers will improve through regular exercise, regular mini-breaks (5 - 10 minutes per hour) and rest frequent eye rest.

  v  Precautions

ü  Cables - always use electric cables obtained with the computer

ü  Power supply - overloading the power source may result in fire

  v  Environmental protection

ü  Use of electronic documents reduces the need for printed material
ü  Recycling of printed materials and printing equipment (paper and toners/cartridges)

ü  Using monitors with lower energy consumption
ü  Disposing damaged or old computer components at the recycling center

ü  Information security is defined as:
         Preservation of information confidentiality, integrity and availability
         Information security measures are the rules of data protection on physical, technical and organizational level

ü  Increased level of the data security can be reached through the use of the following procedures:

         Username and password

        Properly shut down computer the use of continuous power supply (UPS - Un-interruptible Power Supply) - in a case of power failure, without
         UPS your desktop computer will shut down and all data that are not saved on hard disk will be lost. Documents
should be often saved in order to narrow down the possibility for losing data but only UPS will enable saving
Your work as well as shutting down the computer properly without losing anything.

         professional maintenance of computer is recommended

         creating backups of all important data on portable memory devices, network disk etc. (i.e. copy them from your computer to another location)

  v  Malware - computer code - program that can infect computer, spread on other computer independently or with a help from a user thus stealing or damaging data, and enabling crackers to take over control of your computer.
ü  most commonly spread via attachments in e-mail,
ü  Symptoms of infection: slow performance, computer not responding to commands or crashes and restarts; in extreme situations malware damages files responsible for proper functioning of the operating system which can totally disable computer.
ü  removing malware: use one of the antimalware programs
ü  malware protection:
o   Never use pirated software which is usually infected with malicious software, o install antimalware software which detects computer malware,
o   Open e-mails and web pages from recognized senders and authors
(The safest way is not to connect to the Internet or any other computer network)

  v  Copyright - the right of an author of text, images, music, film, etc. to protect their intellectual property.

  v  Product identification number (PID) is a number that comes with legally purchased software as an authenticity validation.
ü  Licensed software identification: serial number check-up, registration, software license inspection.

  v  Software License Agreement- EULA (end-user license agreement).

  v  Freeware - software free for personal use; for example: Adobe Reader.

  v  Open source - software whose source code is publicly available for inspection, use, modification and redistribution; for example, OpenOffice.org - office suite software, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, MediaWiki, Joomla.

  v  Shareware - programs that are free for temporary use at home.

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